We know how important, yet complicated Health, Safety & Environmental compliance can be, as well as the costly and disruptive impacts to your business if it is not done correctly. We can help your business with pragmatic and professional advice, support and solutions.
We offer a multitude of services which you can read more about below, however if you can’t find what you’re looking for, or require some assistance in understanding what you might need, please don’t hesitate to get in touch, we will always endeavour to find the right solution.
Not sure what you need? Before you make any decisions on what services you may require, why not take advantage of our FREE Initial Consultation.
This consultation will allow us to understand your business and where we can support. We can discuss your requirements, provide you with more information on our services or even see if your business would benefit in becoming a member of the SCC Membership Scheme.
Following the consultation, we will provide you with a summary detailing our recommendations, to ensure your business is compliant.
To book a consultation please contact us
This is a requirement of the following: Regulation 7 of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 requires every employer to appoint one or more competent persons to assist them in understanding the measures they need to take to comply with the requirements and prohibitions imposed upon them by or under the relevant statutory provisions. Part 2 (18) of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 requires that a ‘competent person’ be appointed to assist in undertaking the preventive and protective measures. Part 3(8)(1) of the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 requires allocation of sufficient resources, such as a competent person.
A person shall be regarded as competent where they have sufficient training and experience or knowledge and other qualities to enable them properly to assist in the undertakings.
You, the employer, could appoint one or a combination of the following: Employers cannot avoid their responsibilities. You probably manage most aspects of your business yourself, or with help from your staff. However, if you are not confident of your ability to manage all aspects of Health, Safety and Environment in-house, you should seek external assistance.
Here are a few examples of the common areas that South Coast Compliance can help support your business with, this is by no means an exhaustive list.
Every business needs some form of Health, Safety and or Environmental documentation. These documents help you to control risks and communicate safe working procedures. Many of these documents are also required by law, such as risk assessments and health and safety policies.
To help your business be compliant, South Coast Compliance can provide you with a suite of templates that you can edit, fill in and use to create health and safety records, alterantively we can review what you already have in place and suggest improvements where required.
Here are a few examples of the common templates that South Coast Compliance can provide, this is by no means an exhaustive list.
- Risk Assessment (Task, Point of Work, Fire, DSE)
- Method Statement
- COSHH Assessment
- Construction Phase Plan (CPP)
- Permits
- Other Assessments (Noise, Manual Handling)
- Exposure Monitoring (Vibration)
- Accident/Investigation
- Inspection (Vehicle, Equipment, Site etc)
South Coast Compliance can assist businesses that require Health, Safety & Environmental audits of their management system.
For smaller organisations, this might be as simple as a health and safety site inspection of the premises and a review of current documentation. A report is then issued detailing all observations and recommendations.
For Larger organisations who may be looking for a Health, Safety & Environmental Audit of their management system. SCC audits are carried out against the requirements of UK legislation and the principles contained in the Health & Safety Executive guidance on health & safety management systems, HS(G)65 Successful Health & Safety Management.
Following the audit, a bespoke action plan will be produced to detail any required improvements. We would be happy to assist with any recommendations if required, but this is totally up to the customer and they are free to implement the recommendations without our assistance if required.
Please note that audits and inspections are included in certain levels of the South Coast Compliance Memberships.
An Audit is a process that allows us to measure your business’s compliance with legislation and the effectiveness of the current processes, policies and procedures. The process will also identify any unforeseen hazards in the workplace to allow the correct identification of control measures.
As a proactive and responsible business owner, implementing an audit process can help drive improvement and identify those unforeseen risks which if left uncontrolled could have disastrous consequences including loss of production, loss of customers, loss of reputation and loss of employee morale. You also have a legal duty to monitor, maintain and review all matters and arrangements of Health, Safety and Environmental protection. By adhering to the Audit requirement your business will be able to demonstrate these are pro-actively managed in accordance with various requirements such as legislation, insurance and or client. An audit will also act as a suitable defence in a court of law, should either Civil or Criminal proceedings ever be instigated.
Inspections are a proactive part of good health, safety and environmental management. An inspection helps to identify hazards or processes that may not be working efficiently and decide what measures should be in place before an accident may occur.
They can be carried out as frequently as required. Inspections may be required less often if the work environment is low risk such as in an office, but more frequent inspection may be needed if certain workplace areas or specific activities are high risk or change rapidly or significantly.
A general site inspection could include the following checks, but will be tailored to your business. Contact us for an informal discussion on how we can help with your audits or inspections, or to arrange a free initial consultation with one of our expert team.
As a business you have a multitude of responsibilities, to successfully outline your expectations and intentions you will need to write a selection of policies. These can range from health and safety to data protection and although this task can seem daunting, it doesn't have to be. We can talk you through the requirements of each policy and highlight how your industry may differ from others.
Detailed below are the common policies required by businesses:
If you employ more than five members of staff, it is a legal requirement to have a Health and Safety Policy. A health and safety policy sets out how you manage health and safety within your workplace. It demonstrates your businesses attitude towards health and safety and the steps, arrangements and systems you have in place to ensure you comply with Health and Safety legislation. If you employ less than five staff, it is still good practice to complete a Health and Safety Policy. Most businesses set out their policy in three sections: Your Health & Safety Policy is an important part of your Safety Management System. It states the management’s commitment to safety within the company and explains who is responsible for each action.
Environmental policy writing involves the commitment of an organisation to the laws, regulations, and other policy mechanisms concerning environmental issues. The issues covered in the environmental policy writing generally include air and water pollution, solid waste management, ecosystem management, maintenance of biodiversity, the protection of natural resources, wildlife and endangered species.
We can also assist with the creation of an equal opportunities policy for your organisation. An equal opportunities policy should clearly document your organisation’s commitment to non-discriminatory procedures and practices. By defining the forms of discrimination covered you can set out your expectations for employees and ensure you comply with the Equalities Act 2010.
A drugs and alcohol policy shows your organisation’s responsibility and commitment to ensure a safe and healthy workplace. It ensures that employees can work in an environment free from substances. The policy is used to outline your expectations for maintaining an alcohol and drug-free environment. In addition to these common policies, here are a selection of others we can help with:
We can assist your business with the completion of your chosen accreditation application so that you can focus on the day to day running of your business.
At South Coast Compliance, we can complete the key Questionnaires on your behalf and help in the preparation of the supporting Health, Safety and Environmental documentation that needs to be uploaded during your application.
Many Accreditations require some very specific documents and training that you may not already have in place. We will identify these gaps and provide you with support and guidance in ensuring that you’re deemed compliant and remain so in accordance with the accreditation body.
Typical Contractor Safety Accreditation Schemes that we have experience with are CHAS, SMAS, Safe Contractor, Constructionline and Acclaim.
If there are any indusrty specific accredditation schemes your business requires, please get in touch to see if we can support your application.
The effects of accidental fires can be devastating in terms of lives lost, injuries and damage to property and business continuity.
It is a legal requirement under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 that you have a Fire Risk Assessment for your site, office or workshop. However, Fire Risk Assessments can be an extremely complex and confusing process and the detail that is required can be intricate and exhaustive.
The purpose of a fire risk assessment is to reduce the risk of such an event occurring and to ensure that appropriate prevention and protection arrangements are in place. Here at South Coast Compliance, we can carry out your assessment for you, ensuring you comply with all your legal and contractual obligations.
Following a visit to your premises and discussions with your employee’s, we can provide you with a comprehensive Fire Risk Assessment carried out by an experienced, qualified safety professional, we can also advise you on any remedial action that needs to be taken following the results.
We provide independent, high quality advice and guidance to businesses seeking to manage environmental risk and reduce the environmental impact of their operations and supply chains. We work for, alongside and within organisations to assist them in maintaining legal compliance and demonstrating effective environmental risk management to positively impact the environments in which they operate.
We have expertise across various areas of the environmental consulting sector, from carbon reduction and monitoring through to management system development and corporate environmental strategy.
As trends and areas of focus shift, we deliver more and more projects that combine our environmental strengths with other aspects of our business operations such as; wider sustainability consulting and Health and Safety support. Our ability to work across multiple disciplines within projects ensures that we are able to add great value to clients.
Below are some of the services we can offer, if there any services you require which are not listed below then please get in touch.
- Strategy and policy development
- ISO 14001:2015 development
- Carbon and energy management
- Compliance audits
- Sustainable Development
- Carbon Reporting